Tag Archives: drugs


Man alone with himself is always a difficult area. One reason is the ambiguity of this situation, any one could be alone with themself socially, physically, emotionally, essentially in many ways. However the one sense that I have come to find as particularly taxing is man alone with himself without his vices. Being in a secluded state is always more bearable if there is any possible or viable form of adulteration. I am now in a state where I am removed from all of my vices, and I realized I have my lion’s share. Whether it be drinking, drugs, sex, I cannot, for one reason or another, preform any of them.  Now I witness the difficult sense of isolation, with myself in my entirety. I do not find myself that unbearable but the fact is that in any staggering moment I find myself alone without a crutch, and the sense that I have nothing to lean on perpetuates the sense of isolation.